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When to Assess Values in the Recruitment Process

One question we are asked regularly by people considering values based recruitment for the first time is when to use the Profiles4Care profiling tool
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The Healthcare Support Workforce Report

A new Labour Market Intelligence report has been launched that applauds the ‘unsung heroes’ in the NHS and UK health sector – the health support workf
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What does the Care Act mean for homecare providers?

Excellent article in The Guardian by Colin Angel, the Policy and Campaigns Director of United Kingdom Homecare Association, on What the Care Act might
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Recruiter Magazine – Social Care in Crisis

Great article in this month’s Recruiter Magazine on the challenges facing the industry right now. Interesting, and pleased, that personality pro
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How to Have New Employees Hit the Ground Running

Using assessment results in the onboarding process After you’ve hired the perfect job candidate, it isn’t just a matter of dropping him or
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Cost of replacing a member of staff that leaves is more than £30k

Recruiter magazine provides information on a new research survey which finds that the average cost of replacing a member of staff that leaves is more
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